Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Giler + Hate + Penat

Assalamualaikum.. HAHA.. Jawab arr korang.. Okie Dokky pandai XD korang nak aq cite yang mne satu??  okies lets our raty theme Giler.. not really giler.. But more to Giler-Giler..

One day in class i like crazy.. HAHA.. I kill Hazirah.. HAHA.. no larr joke okies.. She cannot study very well because of me.. HAHA.. *wei IkA, ko nak PMR jgn arr main2.. Hello dimase aq mengacau orang tu, aq taw pe yang cikgu ajr.. aq paham.. terutama Math.. Ohh LOVE Math at this time.. HAHA.. Okies dah malas nak cakap bnyk..

Masuk theme ke2 HATE.. What the hell their.. U all die.. Hate2 sngt.. Rase nak sound lak.. HuH.. Pikir korang bagus.. Ingat dah senior tu bagus arr.. Selambe badak jep.. Ko pown satu budak.. To embrassed me.. Owh.. Hate larr korang.. Ko dak kalo ko wt agi perangai, aq F**K giler kat ko.. HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE.. Jalan pown cam S**L.. dah malas nak cite yang penting
Penat.. Day after day I become a very2 tired person.. At home I cant rest for awhile accept at slepping dream time.. HAHA.. I have to wash all clothers, wash plate dll arr.. Now I so tired.. Homeworks still many.. Insyallah I will finish it before Thursday.. Okies baby.. I tired now.. TATA.. * cannot say B*E-B*E now.. hope u understand..

Nikckhun, Junsu, Wooyoung, Junho, Changsun, Taecyeon

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